Smart, Creative, and Productive Internet

Why i write about Internet CAKAP? Started when I followed the ambassador of Internet CAKAP 2015 election organized by the Directorate General Informatics Directorate of the Ministry of Communications and Information Application Information (KEMKOMINFO) Republic of Indonesia. I escaped into the last 16 Finalists Ambassador Iternet CAKAP 2015 and the opportunity to follow Bootcamp at Hotel Amaroossa Grande Bekasi on 3-5 August 2015 which is intended as a briefing about Internet CAKAP. I got a lot of internet education. I feel compelled to share this knowledge. And in this post i wiil explain to the readers about Internet CAKAP ( Smart, Creative and productive)
Smart Internet
Smart Internet is how we use the Internet for a good thing in the sense of appropriate, safe in accordance ethics, culture and norms. Think before click! For example do not use the internet to do negative actions such as cyber bullying.

Creative Internet
Creating new creation that could potentially deliver benefits and value. Internet was a lot of benefits readers. Through this creative Internet we can use the Internet as a guide in making applications such as games.
Make an application can make us to be more innovative

Productive Internet

Obtain and provide the maximum benefit from the use of technology and the Internet for self and others. A simple example of the Internet Productive is start doing business. I think we should try to make an online shop.
That's a brief overview of the Internet CAKAP. Furthermore, I will post the other posts.


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